Human Services Advisory Committee


Purpose:  To work with the Human Service Coordinator to identify the human service needs of Hopkinton residents and to advocate and support ways that these needs can be met.

Structure of Committee:  The committee shall consist of at least five members.  Every effort will be made to assure that a wide range of constituents are represented to assure that the needs of the entire community are addressed.  The committee shall each year elect a chair and a clerk to keep minutes of all meetings.  All meetings shall comply with the provisions of NH RSA 91-A.  Because of the nature of the work of this committee, members from time to time may deal with information that is nonpublic under NH statute and must respect individual privacy and the law and keep nonpublic information confidential.

Duties and Responsibilities:  (The following statements are intended to describe the general nature of the work to be performed by this committee.  The following is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities and duties.)

To assist in identifying and prioritizing social service needs of all segments of the community.

To provide support in coordinating established community resources and in sourcing additional volunteers and resources to fill unmet social service needs.

To review, discuss and make suggestions regarding the social service budget prior to its submission and to receive regular financial updates on social service spending through the year.

To review and recommend to the Select Board the social agencies to be budgeted to receive funds each year; to request follow-up regarding the allocation of funds distributed.

To pursue regional cooperation in the advocacy and delivery of human services to our community.

To give public recognition and appreciation of individuals who and organizations which are freely giving time and effort to meet social service needs of the community.

To pursue programming and other opportunities to educate and distribute information about human services.


Staff Contacts

Name Phone
Michele Lapierre (603) 746-8244

Human Service Advisory Members

NameTerm Expires
Dawn Berry


Mary Reidy


Nan McNicholas


Marcia Shell


Dave White