Master Plan 2022

The Planning Board is responsible for preparing, amending, and adopting the Master Plan (RSA 674:3).

A master plan is a planning document that provides an opportunity for community leaders to look ahead, establish new visions and directions, set goals, and map out plans for the future.  A master plan should describe where, how, and at what pace a community desires to develop physically, economically, and socially.  In short, a master plan functions much like a roadmap or a blueprint; it is a guide to the future.  While the master plan is not a legal document, it does provide the legal basis for zoning and other land use regulations.  Specifically, to adopt a zoning ordinance, the planning board must adopt a master plan.  In addition, certain ordinances cannot be legally adopted, or certain grants may not be feasible unless a master plan is in place.

In 2022, the Hopkinton Planning Board, with Central NH Regional Planning Commission’s (CNHRPC) assistance, developed a new Master Plan for the community. 

Master Plan 2022
Chapter 1:  A Vision for Hopkinton’s Future
Chapter 2:  Housing
Chapter 3:  Economic Base
Chapter 4:  Transportation
Chapter 5:  Existing and Future Land Use
Appendix A:  Community Survey Summary
Appendix B:  Economic Incentives Zones (ch. 3, 5)
Appendix C:  Existing Land Use Map (ch. 5)
Appendix D:  Development Constraints Map (ch. 5)
Appendix E:  Conserved Lands Map (ch. 5)
Appendix F:  Zoning Map (ch. 5)

In 2023, the Planning Board will work with CNHRPC, Conservation  Commission, departments, and groups on the following chapters:

Chapter 6:  Historical & Cultural Resources
Chapter 7:  Natural Resources
Chapter 8:  Community Facilities & Public Utilities
Chapter 9:  Implementation